6June: Tun Salleh Abas saga – Explanation from CheDet

I know a lot of people has been waiting for TDM to explain to us his version of the story with rgds to Salleh Abas and the judicial issues..

All these are just political ploy played by PKR, DAP, PAS, BAR Council, Zaid.. and recently by PakLah to discredit CheDet.

Ex-Gratia Payment — is it legally correct to pay these judges?

TDM has done it again…THE TUN SALLEH SAGA

Shud we re-open the Royal Tribunal?


Reference — old post as follows..

Tun Saleh Abas
– a biased Lord President. deserves to be sacked by Agong. the only way to reverse the decision is by re-opening the royal tribunal. Dont think Zaid is smart enuff to approach this. Tun Saleh Abas didnt ever dare to defend himself in the royal tribunal. As Lord President, it is very unbecoming. I know the royal tribunal did mentioned, that it is unfortunate that they hv to come to a judgement without getting information from Tun Saleh Abas. Tun Saleh Abas refused to testify!


  1. palaladoh said,

    June 6, 2008 at 6:33 am

    Pembangkang dan Pak lah pembohong. Menanti saat kecundang. Balik tidor.

  2. hodalalap said,

    June 6, 2008 at 11:26 am

    Mereka tentu kecundang nanti, baikpun selipar flip-flop ataupun pembangkang yang suka menghebohkan cerita-cerita tipu. Balik mati dalam tidur!

  3. June 6, 2008 at 10:48 pm

    Paklah received standing ovation when he announced ex-gratia payments to the sacked judges. In Paklah’s mind, he is getting back his popularity. If that is what you are thinking, you are definately wrong Paklah. You are actually showing your weakness by trying to please the Bar Council. Don’t you realise that the Bar Council has been nest of opposition?

  4. nasaruddin said,

    June 25, 2008 at 12:52 am

    Pak Lah harus sedar akan kegagalan beliau mengurus ekonomi Malaysia. D.Mahathir, pada zamannya amat perihatin terhadap rakyat bawahan. Walau pun beliau tidak memiliki ijazah dibidang ekonomi namun semangat cintakan rakyat menurus beliau berusaha sebaik mungkin tidak menyakitkan rakyat bawahan. Sebaliknya Pak Lah dan kuncu-kuncunya bukan pembela rakyat. Kepentingan mereka diutamakan.

  5. Nasec said,

    June 25, 2008 at 1:01 am

    Kami rakyat bawahan menghargai D.Mahathir, walaupun apa yang telah beliau buktikan tidak dihargai oleh kroni Pak Lah. Lihatlah Putrajaya, Twin Tower, KLIA dan lain-lain, bukan kah itu satu mercutanda yang seluruh dunia dapat saksikan. Ini termasuk meletak Malaysia dipeta dunia.

    Pak Lah tidak lagi layak untuk menerajui Malaysia dengan rakyatnya yang telah sudah matang pemikirannya. UMNO dulu diterajui oleh pemimpin berkelibar dan berjuang untuk rakyat. UMNO kini telah dinodai oleh pencemaran sifat tamak makusia.

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